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Protection Against Fraud:
Prevention, Detection, and
Current Fraud Practices
Recognizing and understanding the latest frauds is an important part of financial security. Here are some practical examples and advice to avoid dangerous situations:
Fake Bank Phone Call
Scammers often pretend to be bank employees and inform victims over the phone about urgent issues regarding their bank accounts. The victims are coerced into providing their bank account details and personal identification, while in reality, the scammers aim to steal this information.
Example of the Scam:
A scammer calls the victim, claiming that their bank account has been locked for security reasons and requests the necessary information for immediate unlocking.
How to Avoid It:
Always be cautious and never share personal or financial information over the phone. If you have doubts about the caller's identity, ask questions, and if necessary, call back using the official customer service number of the bank.
Fake Bank Email
The method often used by fraudsters involves sending a fake email disguised to appear as if it's from a bank or other official institution. Their aim is to persuade victims to click on malicious links in order to obtain their personal information.
Example of the Scam:
You receive an email that looks official, supposedly from your bank, asking you to click on a link to update your login details. However, this email is fake, and clicking on the link could give fraudsters access to your banking information.
How to Avoid It:
Always verify the sender of emails and never share your personal or financial information online unless you are certain that the communication is genuinely from your bank or another trusted source.
Fake Bank SMS
In smishing scams, fraudsters send fake banking messages to victims via SMS, typically asking them to click on a link or provide their personal banking details. These fraudulent messages often appear so official that victims are inclined to trust them.
Example of a Scam:
The victim receives an SMS supposedly from their bank, asking them to click on a link and verify their banking details. However, the link leads to a fake website where victims input personal banking information that fraudsters then steal.
How to Avoid:
Never click on suspicious links or share personal banking information in response to SMS messages. If you have doubts about the authenticity of an SMS, verify it through the bank's official website or call customer service.
Contacts for Abuse Cases
Cyber attack and phishing are crimes, so if you suspect that such an incident has occurred with you, immediately report it in person to the police station competent for your place of residence in order for police action to immediately disrupt the process, thereby minimizing damage. If possible, bring the device on which you detected the fraud and any other available evidence to the police. It is important to notify the authorities not only when the perpetrators have succeeded, but also when there is suspicion of fraud even if you ultimately did not suffer any harm.
Please report any suspicion of online or phishing attacks to the National Security Authority - National Cyber Security Institute (NKI)! NKI experts analyze the information received through reports, extracting valuable insights into the characteristics of specific types of fraud. They can determine whether it is a mass fraud attempt, whether clients of specific institutions are affected, and what other peculiarities can be observed in the case.
Incidents can be reported by phone 24/7 at the numbers +36 1 336-4833 and +36 30 344-0704, by email at CSIRT@nki.gov.hu, or online by clicking the "Incident Report" button located in the header of the NKI website. For anonymous incident reporting, you can use the email hacker@nki.gov.hu or this link. Please note that these reporting options are available in Hungary.
In Hungary, there are two hotlines for reporting harmful online content: Both platforms allow users to report harmful online content and seek assistance.
Recommended Code of Conduct for Customers
Secure Data Management
Be mindful to handle your personal data securely. Never share your bank account passwords or other personal identification information with others, and avoid sharing such data in public places.
Updating Devices and Applications
Regularly update your electronic devices (such as computers, smartphones) and the applications running on them. Updating the operating system and security software helps prevent security vulnerabilities and protects your personal data.
Monitoring Transactions and Limits
If you want to keep your finances secure, it's important to regularly monitor your transactions and set limits on your accounts. Here's a summary of how you can do this:
Monitoring Transactions
After every transaction, it's worth reviewing your bank statement and alerts you receive via SMS or push notifications about transactions. This way, you can quickly notice and respond to any suspicious activities.
Setting transaction limits
Setting transaction limits helps protect your accounts from unwanted or potentially dangerous transactions. You can set limit values associated with your accounts through the following channels:
  • Visit your bank branch where customer service representatives can assist you in setting limit values.
  • Use the services of online banking or mobile applications, where limit-setting options are generally easily and quickly accessible.
By taking these steps, you can effectively enhance your financial security and minimize the risk of financial fraud.
Virtual Payment Cards
Users can create a temporary, disposable card number that can only be used for a single transaction. This ensures payment security by eliminating the need to share their actual bank card details with online merchants.
Two-factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication is a security measure where, in addition to using a password for login, users are required to provide another authentication method, such as a one-time code or identifier. This enhances account security by providing protection even if someone gains access to the password.
We would like to inform our customers that in cases of fraudulent use of cash substitute payment methods (such as bank cards, internet banking, mobile applications), we will investigate the issue of liability for damages. Our institution is not liable for compensation if our investigation determines that the customer's gross negligence contributed to the occurrence of the damage. The question of gross negligence will ultimately be decided by the court.